Hello! Is There Anybody Out There?
Where are you, readers of Niko Paech, Andrew Sayer, Thomas Piketty, Christian Felber and many others? Where are you, actors and audience of Transition Towns, Economy for the Common Good, Community Supported Agriculture, Degrowth and so many more initiatives?
If you don’t like some of the above keywords - don’t mind: It is sufficient if we agree on the fact, that we have to change something now. We can discuss details of what to change in which way but we probably agree that
the current (economic) system has some major problems and
global warming obliges us to react now and not in ten, twenty or thirty years.
I know ten or maybe hundred people who work in different initiatives but all share these thoughts. So we are probably thousands or even millions of people all over Europe. (Do you know this song?) If we ignore some of the details we surely will have to discuss in some kind of democratic process, we can form a large and powerful United European Movement for Change!
Within such a movement we can overcome some of the differences between people and political parties thwarting each other. We have to be present in every local, federal, national or European institution or company. Come together!
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